Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Watching the Pine Trees Grow

We are leaving this weekend for the cabin. We will be there until about the first of September. It's the very first summer we have ever spent entirely at the cabin. In the past all our trips were usually just long weekends or sometimes 2 weeks at a time. There will be a lot of sitting and watching the pine trees grow. That's our favorite activity.

Actually we have a busy time planned. Dr Amber is going to overhaul Grandma so we expect to spend a lot of time travelling back to Phoenix. I have promised Dave to teach him Photoshop....he wants to be a photographer. I am planning to take lessons at the History Center, and of course I have my paints with me. I never did get the moulding finished on the re-model we did last summer and there is sure a lot of bushes "growed up" around here.

There is always a rattle snake hunt and/or a Javelina conference going on. It's always fun to watch the Peregrine Falcons hunt and the Turkey Buzzards soar. Once in a while we get a sight of the Silver Fox that owns us, and the deer and elk that use us for pasture. Early Sunday mornings are a delight as small planes galore come to Payson for breakfast. In July and August it rains a little almost every afternoon.

It's always open house up here and we love company......come on up.

We will see you in this Blog again in September!


Cotter said...


Autumn said...

Oh man! I hate that you're not going to be on the blog for a couple of months! I'll look forward to you coming back! Love you, have fun, and be safe!