Monday, August 25, 2008

4TH of July in Payson
The Monsoons started early in Arizona this year and by the time the 4th came we had enjoyed many days of rain. Every afternoon it would rain for a short time so the weather was cool and comfortable.
Ken, Sue, Kaela, and Cody came up to spend the weekend. Kaela and Cody each brought a friend. You may think that would crowd up the cabin but not so. The morning of the 4th Cameron, Lyndsay, Ella, and Charlie brought Taylor with them to spend the day. That was a crowd but a great crowd. We did the Park thing, and the traditional picnic and the fireworks. Ella actually asked me to pick her up......first time she has ever done that! Grandma and I had a great time.
Pine always has a big fair on the 4th weekend. It was especially good this year.
The Davies
Dave and Jolynn Davies who live across the street from us in St George spent overnight with us. It was a lot of fun to show them around and now they know more about why we come here.

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